素描头像写生《老人头像》(一) Sketch of Head Portrait:Head Portrait of Old People Part(1)
01 教学目的 Teaching Purpose
02 第一阶段:观察认识 The first stage:Observe and Understand
03 第二阶段:确定构图 The second stage:Establish the Composition of the Picture
04 第三阶段:确立画面关系 The third stage:Establish the Relationship between Pictures
05 第四阶段:深入刻画 The fourth stage:Deeply Portray
素描头像写生《老人头像》(二)Sketch of Head Portrait:head Portrait of Old People Part(2)
01 教学目的 Teaching Purpose
02 第四阶段:深入刻画 The fourth stage:Deeply Portray
03 第五阶段:调整统一 The fifth stage:Adjust and Integrate
非常好 2009-11-22