配音: 国语
详细内容: 擒步螳螂拳是由黄埔军校总教练、中央国术馆顾问于振声传于入室弟子江南名师徐公伟, 徐公伟再传于入室弟子方山。擒步螳螂拳源自山东,是一套长短兼备、刚柔相济、勇猛快速的拳术,其特点取螳螂挡车不畏,勇往直前之意,多短手快打,招招连环。讲究随其势打,寻其隙打,见空就打,出手打回手也打,以打为守,实劈硬砸。 The mantis fist movement with grasping foot was passed down by Yu Zhensheng, who was a consultant of the Central Chinese Martial Arts Academy, to his student Xu Gongwei, the famous master from southern China. And Xu Gongwei passed it to his student Fang Shan. The mantis fist movement with grasping foot comes from Shandong. It is a fist movement that combines long and short, force and softness together. It attacks swiftly and fiercely. Its features get the meanings from the mantis blocking the vehicle without fear, going well up to bridle. It has many short hand skills, which beat swiftly, and its tricks are interlinked together. It emphasizes beating with the trend, and attacking while there are empty points. Beat when stretching out the hands, as well as withdrawing the hands. Take attacking as defending. Split and smash fiercely
非常好 2009-11-22