01 我们的田野 The beautiful scene of my homeland
02 红太阳照边疆 The glowing sun is shining the frontier
03 小白船 White boat
04 毛委员和我们在一起 Chairman Mao with us together
05 边疆处处赛江南 The frontier matches the south area of China
06 浏阳河 Liuyang River
07 新疆好 Kingjiang is a good place
08 沂蒙颂 The eulogy of Yinmeng region
09 渔家姑娘在海边 The girls are weaving the fishnets
10 小河淌水 The moonlight river
11 听妈妈讲那过去的事情 The story my mother told me
12 让我们荡起双桨 Swing boat
13 远飞的大雁 Flying goose
14 花儿为什么这样红 How scarlet the flowers are
15 可爱的一朵玫瑰花 What a beautiful rose
16 茉莉花 The jasmine
非常好 2009-11-22