配音: 英语
字幕: 中文/日文
详细内容: 在第二次世界大战中,位于地中海中央的马耳他岛对英军来说是非常重要的战略地点。随着德军不断的空袭供给路线被打断,岛上留下狐立无援的军队,但是他们顽强的死守着马耳他岛,最后他们不惜一切代价,至死不渝的反击着德军。 This British wartime drama focuses on the crucial battle for control of Malta.Lieutenant Peter Ross,a Royal Air Force reconnaissance photographer,gets shot down over Malta while flying to Egypt.Since he cannot get off the island,the British forces there employ his talents to help defeat the Nazis. Ross sets out to find and photograph the location of the Nazi forces attacking the island-but he still finds time to fall in love with Maria,a local girl.The film mixes archival combat footage with documentary-style reenactments to create a realistic portrayal of the historic battle
非常好 2009-11-22