配音: 国语
字幕: 中文/英文
详细内容: 演示:张绍伯 花打四门拳属赵门三原派,其风格特点是:以腿为主,定根发腿,柔中含刚。技击上以走打为主,步法轻快,躲闪还击,眼明手快。练习时要求静如处子,动如猛虎,刚健有力,舒展大方。 Huadasi School belongs to Sanyuan style of Zhao school which is marked by relying mainly on legs, fixing the body and exerting the legs, hardness lurking in softness. Technically, it hits, dodges and counters while advancing on swift feet. The practitioner must be capable of quick response, alternating between inaction and action when practicing. The movements are energetic, forceful, and elegant
非常好 2009-11-22