配音: 国语
字幕: 中文/英文
详细内容: 演示:高春和 洪门起源于清朝顺治十八年,武松手属洪门中主要套路之一,该拳拳势舒展,招式清晰,拳势威猛,劲透过身,以力服人,以威取胜,行拳时要求含胸塌腰,旋腕翻臂,消身走马,折腰踢腿,讲究内外兼修。 As one of the main routines of Hong school, Wusong Hands came into being in the 18th year of the reign of Qing Emperor Shunzhi. The boxing is extendable, clear-cut, powerful, imposing and aggressive. When practicing it, it requires to draw in the chest, bow downward, turn the wrist, turn over th
非常好 2009-11-22