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  • 媒体作者:佚名
  • 媒体大小:32.32 MB
  • 媒体类别:儿童影视
  • 媒体格式:DVD/CD
  • 发布时间:Sep 20, 2010 9:08:00 PM
  • 媒体级别:
  • 下载总计:月:10 总:1163



01 Surprise 一个惊喜
02 What's in it?里面有什么呢?
03 There's a pussycat outside 外面有只猫
04 What's the matter?怎么回事?
05 Don't be afraid 别害怕
06 Who's there?谁在那儿?
07 My tail?我的尾巴 ?
08 Don't follow me 别跟着我
09 Let's go back home 我们回家吧

01 Let's go 出 发
02 This is the key 这是钥匙
03 Let's unlock the door 赶快开锁
04 All right 这下好了
05 My head 我的头
06 Drink some water 喝水
07 Don't go 别跑
08 Jump into the water 跳进水里

01 Goodbye 再见
02 Come out quickly 快出来
03 Come on, baby 来吧, 宝贝
04 Stop 快停下
05 Look out 小心
06 Put it on 穿上
07 How funny it is 真好玩

01 Put on the ampshade 戴上灯罩
02 He's sleeping soundly 他在睡觉
03 Put it on 戴上
04 Stop 站住
05 Don't trouble me again 别再烦我
06 Let's go back home 我们回家吧
07 Please don't take my boy 别抓我孩子
08 Goodbye 再见

01 Hello 你好
02 Hold on 慢着
03 Come on 来吧
04 Help me 救命啊
05 What's it?什么东西?
06 Close the door 把门关上
07 Thank you very much 非常感谢
08 Is it your son?这是你儿子吗?

01 I'm very hungry 好饿
02 Open the door 把门打开
03 What's the matter?怎么回事?
04 Bread 面包
05 I love you 我爱你
06 Open the windows first 打开窗户
07 Here you are 给你
08 Thank you 谢谢
09 Help 救命

01 I can fly rapidly 我能飞了
02 What's the matter?怎么回事?
03 My apples and grapes 我的苹果葡萄
04 Cake蛋 糕
05 Shoot a basket 投篮
06 My teeth 我的牙齿
07 Big 大大的

01 Please be quiet 请安静
02 Hold it 别唱了
03 I can't put up all this 我受不了啦
04 What a sweet orange 好甜的橙子
05 The orange 橙子
06 Go 去吧
07 Hold it 快停下

01 Come on 来吧
02 My hand 我的手
03 Close your mouth 闭上嘴巴
04 Hold on 站住
05 Here you are 拿着吧
06 My tail 我的尾巴
07 Hurry 赶紧

01 Where am I?这是哪儿呀?
02 Such a cold night 寒冷的夜晚
03 Who's that?那是谁呀?
04 So many cakes 蛋糕真多
05 Come out, quickly 快出来
06 Let me dance 来跳舞吧
07 It's so cold 天气真冷
08 What's the matter with him?他怎么了?

01 I'm hungry 肚子饿了
02 Fish?鱼?
03 Come on 来吧
04 I'm all right 我很好
05 Open the window 打开窗户
06 Help 救命啊

01 So many mice?这么多老鼠?
02 Where am I?这是哪儿?
03 Great 太好了
04 I'm dizzy 头好晕
05 So long 再见
06 Thank you 谢 谢

01 Wonderful 真棒
02 Let's dance 我们跳舞吧
03 Here you are 还你胡子
04 Let's throw him out 把他扔出去
05 Cat 猫
06 Let me take a look 让我看看
07 What's the matter?怎么回事呀?

01 What a huge steambat 一艘巨轮
02 Where's it?哪去了?
03 What a loud noise 真吵啊
04 Play accordion 弹奏手风琴
05 Are you Tom cat?你是汤姆吗?
06 How funny 真好玩
07 Let's go 走
08 Don't follow me 别跟着我

01 Look 你看
02 How foolish you are 你太傻了
03 Don't eat him 别吃它
04 What a blamed duck 讨厌的鸭子
05 Come on 快过来
06 Where's the ducking?小鸭子哪去了?
07 How cute you are 你真可爱

01 It's Tom 这是汤姆
02 Drink a bottle of milk again 再喝瓶牛奶
03 Good idea 好办法
04 How capable it is 他多能干啊
05 Come on, boy 来吧, 伙计
06 Bye-bye 再见
07 Stop 站住
08 Come out, quickly 快出来
09 What are you doing?你们在干嘛?

01 Can I help you? 我能帮你什么吗?
02 One,two,three 一,二,三
03 Are you ok?你没事吧?
04 What a perky pussycat 老猫真神气
05 What's the sound?什么声音?
06 There is a brush here 这儿有毛笔
07 My nose 我的鼻子
08 Put on your outfit 穿上衣服

01 Pants 短 裤
02 Good-bye 再见了
03 Let me try again让我再试试
04 Where's the duck?鸭子哪去了?
05 Come on, baby 来吧, 宝贝
06 Many thanks 多谢
07 Plane 飞机
08 What a beautiful scenery 景色真美丽

01 Bananas 香蕉
02 Come out 出来
03 What's the matter?怎么回事?
04 Have some bread, son 吃面包吧, 孩子
05 Anything in it?里面有什么呢?
06 Tomato 西红柿
07 Help 救命
08 Again 再来

01 Come out 出来
02 Where's she going?她要去哪儿?
03 Open the box 打开盒子
04 I'm a happy dancer 我是快乐的舞蹈家
05 No 没有
06 How cute you are 你真可爱
07 Who's it?谁呀?

01 Go to bed now 上床睡觉
02 Wake up, Jerry 快醒醒, 杰瑞
03 I have a good idea 我有个好办法
04 What's the matter wih me legs?我的腿怎么了?
05 Jump 跳
06 Tom wakes up 汤姆醒了
07 This is bait 这是诱饵
08 Shoot 射击

01 Have a look in the mirror 照照镜子
02 Close the door 关门
03 I have a good idea 我有好办法
04 Where's the pussycat?老猫在哪儿?
05 Put it on 戴上帽子
06 What's that?那是什么?
07 Yes, sir 遵命
08 Letter, sir 你的信, 先生

01 Come in 快进来
02 Let's start 开始吧
03 What a blamed cat 该死的猫
04 I love you for ever 我永远爱你
05 Forest 森林里
06 My leg 我的腿
07 How poor these dogs are 狗狗真可怜
08 Come on 来, 咬吧

01 Hello, my nephew 你好, 侄子
02 Wonderful 精彩
03 Thank you 谢谢
04 What's he going to do?他想干嘛?
05 Don't sing, please 求你别唱了
06 Stop, kitty 小猫, 别跑
07 Come out, nephew 侄子, 出来吧
08 So long 再见了

01 What's it?这是什么?
02 My tail 我的尾巴
03 Good night mummy 妈咪, 晚安
04 Yes 没错
05 Who's it?他是谁呀?
06 Let me have a look 我来看看

01 Look out next time 下次小心点
02 Where's he going?他要去哪儿?
03 No 不
04 Where is my cap?帽子哪儿去了?
05 I'm flying 我飞起来了
06 Bye 再见
07 Wake up, Tom 汤姆, 醒醒

01 What time is it?几点了?
02 What's it?什么东西?
03 Stop快停下
04 This's your home 这是你的家
05 Don't follow me 别跟着我
06 What's the matter?怎么了?
07 Good-bye 再见
08 Many thanks to you 谢谢你

01 Good night 晚安
02 Baby 小宝宝
03 Come on, baby 来吧, 宝贝
04 Where's the baby?宝宝在哪儿呢?
05 Look out 小心
06 Where is he?宝宝哪儿去了?
07 Let's go back home 我们回家吧

01 How thin it is 真苗条
02 Tomato 西红柿
03 What are you doing here?你在干嘛呢?
04 I win 我赢了
05 Like a seal 多像海豹啊
06 Balloon 气球
07 I love you 我爱你

01 Take off the cap 脱帽
02 Turn it on again 再打开
03 What a sunny day 天气真晴朗
04 Music 音乐
05 Close the door 关门
06 Who's it?谁呀?
07 Stop 停下

01 What a delicious orange juice 橙汁真好喝
02 Hold on 等等
03 What a beautiful fountain 喷泉真美丽
04 I love you 我爱你
05 Here you are 给你
06 Let's go 走吧
07 I have a girlfriend 我有女朋友

01 My face 我的脸
02 Come out 出来
03 Stop 站住
04 I'm dizzy 好晕啦
05 What's the matter?怎么回事?
06 Help me 救命啊
07 So many ants 蚂蚁真多呀

01 Have a nice dream 祝你好梦
02 Here you are 给你
03 Mouth 嘴巴
04 It's time to have a rest 该休息了
05 Cat's tail?猫尾巴?
06 My head 我的头
07 Wake up 快醒醒
08 Open the door 开门

01 A letter?信?
02 Hello, cousin 表哥, 你好
03 Go 去吧
04 Help 救命啊
05 Where is my cousin?表哥哪去了?
06 Turn on the TV 打开电视
07 Okay 好吧
08 Come in 快进来

01 Who's it?谁呀?
02 I'm hungry 好饿呀
03 Open your mouth 张开嘴巴
04 It's a candle 那是蜡烛
05 Come on 快跟上
06 What's the matter?怎么回事?
07 Help 救命啊
08 Shoot 发射

01 I'm hungry now 有点饿了
02 My head 我的头
03 Who's it?谁呀?
04 What's the matter?怎么了?
05 What's thematter?怎么回事?
06 Come on 来呀
07 What areyou doing?你们在干嘛?

01 Chicken 鸡肉
02 What's he doing?他在干嘛呀?
03 So many photos照片真多
04 What's the matter with you?你怎么了?
05 Well, here 好的, 过来
06 Go 走
07 What's this?这是什么?

01 What a beautiful present 多棒的礼物呀
02 Happy Easter 复活节快来
03 Turn on the water faucet 打开水龙头
04 Where's it?他在哪儿呢?
05 Stop 站住
06 Come out 出来
07 Park 公园
08 Come on, fellas 来吧, 伙伴们

01 Don't drag me 别拉我呀
02 Who are you?你是谁?
03 Good night 晚安
04 Hold on 忍住
05 Close your eye 闭上眼睛
06 What's wrong with you?你怎么了?


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