配音: 国语
字幕: 中文/英文
详细内容: 主讲:张玉栓(高级按摩技师) 中医按摩上中华医学的一个分支,其施术方式灵活,方法简单,安全实用,被誉为“绿色疗法”。本片详细讲述了常见六位的定位及自我保健按摩方法,能轻松达到预防和治疗各种常见疾病的效果,真正做到手到病除。 按摩相关穴位,对于治疗斑秃和牙痛均能达到理想的效果。 Chinese Medical Message is one branch of The Chinese Medicalcare.With its agile usage,simple manner,safety and practicality,it is honored "Green Treatment".In this video,it will detailedly explain the common points and the self-health massage manners.It can reach the effect of preventing and curing the common diseases,so to recover. Massage on the related points gives very good effect for curing baldness and toothache
非常好 2009-11-22