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  • 媒体作者:释德扬
  • 媒体大小:74.64 MB
  • 媒体类别:教育音像
  • 媒体格式:DVD/CD
  • 发布时间:Oct 27, 2011 4:04:00 AM
  • 媒体级别:
  • 下载总计:月:46 总:1188


配音: 国语
字幕: 中文/英文/法文/西班牙
详细内容: 少林寺三十一代传人释德扬法师 天下功夫出少林,少林功夫遍天下。少林寺不仅以禅宗祖庭蜚声中外,对世界佛教文化的传播与发展影响深远,更作为中华武术的发祥地而声名远播。千百年来少林寺虽历经波折,但少林武术却绵延至今,长盛不衰。本片将以纪实的方式带您进入少林武术的神圣殿堂,让您从中尽情领略中华武术的博大精深和神奇魅力。 All kung fu in the world originated from the Shaolin Temple. Shaolin kung fu is practiced all around the world. It is famous not only for the fact that it is the origin of the Chan sect and it has great influence on the propagation and development of the Buddhism culture, but also for that it is the origin of Chinese wushu. Although the Shaolin Temple has suffered a lot through hundreds of years, Shaolin wushu is passed on and remains popular. This program will lead you into the sacred world of Shaolin wushu in the way of on-the-spot report. You can appreciate the extensive and profound Chinese wushu and you will be impressed by its great charm
上一媒体: 时尚美体14
下一媒体: 学跳轻快彝族舞


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